The criteria to earn the RACH title requires the team to earn 20 triple qualiying scores; qualifying in the Advanced B, Excellent B and Master classes at the same trial, at 20 separate events, plus earn 300 RACH points from the Excellent B, Advanced B and Master class.
Congratulations to the Top Dog RACHs!
Linda Brennan and GCHB MACH RACH Rolyart's Play Time UDX OM1 BN GN RM2 RAE2 MXB MJS OF DN CGC TKA "Reese" |
Julia Lowe and RACH Triumphant Fyrestar of Tewksbury CDX, BN, RM2, RAE2, CGC, TKN "Tara" |
Pam Blackstone and GCHB CH RACH Chantryile I’ll Have Another UDX PUDX OM2 RM3 RAE 2 SCN SIN SBN, "Fizz" |
Diane Driscoll and OTCH RACH U-CD Gaylan's Spellbound Star Catcher UDX2, OM3, BN, GN, GO, RN, OA, OAJ, NF, OBHF, CCA, CGC, CD-C CL2-R, CL1-F "Spell" |
Lynn Kwiatkowski and RACH Fyrethorn Exactly Right CDX BN RM2 RAE2 NA NAJ NAP NJP OF NFP BCAT SWN SEA TKN "Riot" |
Hank Hahn and GCH CH RACH Lakota's Kiltlifter On The Rocks UDX OM3 BN RM2 RAE2 SH CCA DS DJ "Flasher" |
Pam Blackstone and GCH OTCH4 RACH Chantryile Gossip Girl UDX8 OGM BN VER RM2 RAE3 SWN "Sedona" |
Bob Blackstone and CH RACH Nicha La Vie En Rose CDX BN GN RM3 RAE2 AXP AJP OFP ACT2 CGC "Rose" |
First ever recorded AKC RACH! Bob Fullum and RACH Rhumbline's Count Zorro Seal The Deal UD BN RM7 RAE5 MX AXJ OF "Zorro" |
Colleen Edwards Swierkocki and RACH Daisy Duke XVII CDX PCD BN RM3 RAE3 OFP NJP ACT2 CGCA TKA "Daisy" |