The criteria to earn the RACH title requires the team to earn 20 triple qualiying scores; qualifying in the Advanced B, Excellent B and Master classes at the same trial, at 20 separate events, plus earn 300 RACH points from the Excellent B, Advanced B and Master class.
Congratulations to the Top Dog RACHs!
Regina Steiner and RACH Djimi Von Sontausen UDX2 OM3 BN GN GO RM2 RAE2 "Djimi" |
Linda Brennan and GCHB MACH RACH Rolyart's Play Time UDX OM1 BN GN RM2 RAE2 MXB MJS OF DN CGC TKA "Reese" |
Julia Lowe and RACH Triumphant Fyrestar of Tewksbury CDX, BN, RM2, RAE2, CGC, TKN "Tara" |
Pam Blackstone and GCHB CH RACH Chantryile Ill Have Another UDX PUDX OM2 RM3 RAE 2 SCN SIN SBN, "Fizz" |
Diane Driscoll and OTCH RACH U-CD Gaylan's Spellbound Star Catcher UDX2, OM3, BN, GN, GO, RN, OA, OAJ, NF, OBHF, CCA, CGC, CD-C CL2-R, CL1-F "Spell" |
Lynn Kwiatkowski and RACH Fyrethorn Exactly Right CDX BN RM2 RAE2 NA NAJ NAP NJP OF NFP BCAT SWN SEA TKN "Riot" |
Hank Hahn and GCH CH RACH Lakota's Kiltlifter On The Rocks UDX OM3 BN RM2 RAE2 SH CCA DS DJ "Flasher" |
Pam Blackstone and GCH OTCH4 RACH Chantryile Gossip Girl UDX8 OGM BN VER RM2 RAE3 SWN "Sedona" |
Bob Blackstone and CH RACH Nicha La Vie En Rose CDX BN GN RM3 RAE2 AXP AJP OFP ACT2 CGC "Rose" |
First ever recorded AKC RACH! Bob Fullum and RACH Rhumbline's Count Zorro Seal The Deal UD BN RM7 RAE5 MX AXJ OF "Zorro" |
Colleen Edwards Swierkocki and RACH Daisy Duke XVII CDX PCD BN RM3 RAE3 OFP NJP ACT2 CGCA TKA "Daisy" |