Dog Obedience, Rally and Agility Training Owned by Betsy Scapicchio
Come to where the Top Dogs train! 24 Bartley Road, Flanders, NJ 07836
Someone is on site Monday through Friday, but we are likely training dogs! Please leave us a message and we will return your call, or email us at
Check out our VIDEOS page for our newest On Demand Videos as well as DVDs!
Betsy Scapicchio with Dealer |
Why Choose Top Dog Obedience School?
The goal of obedience training is to create a common language between dog and master so that both species can live together in harmony. At Top Dog Obedience School, we open the lines of communication for over 1200 students and their pets each year. We teach you to train your dog so that the human-canine bond deepens, and problem dogs become a pleasure.
Top Dog training techniques are simple and straightforward. Dogs are first shown how to respond properly to each of the basic commands without the use of force. Then owners are taught how to get their dogs to obey the commands consistently and promptly once the dogs have been given an opportunity to understand what is expected of them. Top Dog's approach makes the learning experience positive and enjoyable for dogs and owners alike.
In addition, all common behavioral problems will be specifically addressed during the question and answer period at the start of each class. Ample opportunity will be available to discuss individual problems as well. You may be surprised to find, though, that many behavioral problems will be eliminated simply by channeling your dog's energy into obedience training.
At the start of each six-week session, Top Dog conducts a free orientation to discuss dog behavior and training philosophy. After the informative lecture, a demonstration of all levels of obedience training is given by students of Top Dog. Everyone--whether an enrolled student, prospective student, or interested spectator--is welcome to attend.
Come and train in our beautiful facility!
We have nice cold air conditioning for the summer and cozy heat for the winter!